Gossip » Kris Jenner Says Kim Kardashian Didn’t Make A Dime On Her Wedding And Spent Millions

Kris Jenner addressed the crazy rumors and judgments swirling around Kim Kardashian’s divorce announcement
Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner addressed the crazy rumors and judgments swirling around Kim Kardashian’s divorce announcement. She chatted about supporting her daughter, what Kim plans to do with the wedding gifts, and talked about the misconception that Kim made a fortune on her wedding show.

On supporting her daughter:

“Kim had to make a very difficult decision. But she needed to do that on her own. You know, she’s not 5 years old. She’s a 30-year-old woman who definitely needs my support right now. [But] whatever her decision was at the time, I’m just here to support her as her mom and make sure she’s okay today.

[Kim's] not the first person in the world to get a divorce or have something like this happen to, and she won’t be the last. She just happens to be a very public person with a couple of television shows on the air so it makes it bigger than life.”

On the rumors that Kim made a fortune on her wedding to Kris Humphries:

“She didn’t make a dime off of this wedding. She actually spent millions of dollars on this wedding, so it’s not something that she thought would ever not be happily ever after.”

On Kim’s possible plans for the wedding gifts she received:

“I’m sure Kim will make a ginormous donation, as she does all the time anyway, very quietly, to a wonderfully deserving charity or children’s hospital or something like that,” her mom said.

Kris Jenner addressed the crazy rumors and judgments swirling around Kim Kardashian’s divorce announcement
 Kris Humphries with Kim Kardashian

Photos by Wenn.com